TB-E1200-4 Test Bench
Model 1200 Series 2 Alternator Starter Test Bench.
DC Capacity: Test systems 6-12-24 Volt as Std
Voltage: 415V 50Hz Three Phase
Drive Motor: Australian made 4.0 KW Heavy Duty.
Test Starters to 1500Amps
Tests Alternators and Generators to 2.64Kw
Meters Switched 0-10Volt, 0-20Volt, 0-50Volt
Ammeter Scales 10-0-50Amp, 20-0-100Amps, 100-0-500Amps
Variable Speed 5000-0-5000 RPM
Universal Starter Clamp – Holds Generators and Alternators
Forward and reverse Rotation